Saturday 30 May 2015

What Artists Need to Know About Richard Prince Selling Instagram Photos for $90k

30, May 2015: Richard Prince is an artist who makes a lot of money from art. His current instagram prints are going for a reported $90,000 a pop and are causing waves all over the internet. Prince is blurring the lines of "original" art as some would say that his newest exhibit goes beyond the lines of what's legal.

The $90k print of Doe Deere

Prince is selling $90,000 prints of famous instagram models including Doe Deere, CEO of Lime Crime. Underneath each print he changes the text of the original instagram post which legally constitues it as an original piece of art.

There are thousands if not millions of artists online, and they couldn't give away their work nonetheless sell someone else's photos for $90,000. So why is Richard Prince able to do this and those artists can't? The answer is simple: they don't know how.

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